
To download or order publications, studies issued by HEPF in Hungarian click here.

HEPF & EPSD publications

  • The Good Grantmaking Guide - The foundations making up the Environmental Partnerhsip Association each have more than 15 years of experience in providing small grant support to civil society and community organizations. They now collected and synthetized their knowhow in this booklet outlining the key elements and cornerstones of a well-working and efficient open grant mechanism. Download "The Good Grantmaking Guide 2016" (pdf)
  • Civil society organizations and local government elections 2019 - survey report (pdf)
  • 4 YEARS, 448 PROJECTS - Evaluation of the EEA Grants NGO Programme strengthening civil society in Hungary (pdf)
  • Environmental Partnership, 2004 - Introducing the regional association, its activities and results. (pdf)
  • The Environmental Partnership 1991-2000 - A report on the 10-year development of the promising inititative to help citizens of the countries in Central Europe to deal with environmental challenges and to strengthen the transition to democratic societies. Download "A decade of nurturing the grassroots (pdf)"
  • Promoting landscape stewardship in Central Europe, 2000 The book provides an informal look at the impressive work undertaken by nonprofit organizations throughout the region. Over 2,100 community based initiatives were supported by the Environmental Partnership. Download "Caring for the land (pdf)"
  • Stories of rural regeneration from Central Europe -A report on model projects for environmental sustainability between 2001-2003. Download "Rural Livelihoods" (pdf)
  • Building Partnerships - A Partnership Group is, according to the PEPF methodology, a regional coalition, which enables various sectors of public life (local governments, business, NGO's, schools, universities, people) to together solve local & regional problems and achieve the sustainable development of a region. Download "Building Partnerships - A Practical Manual" (pdf)
  • Fifteen years ago, the communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe fell. In the exhilaration that followed, there was an outpouring of support from public and private sources - more than 60 North American and European foundations responded. (Marianne Ginsburg, Allianz Magazine, June 2004) Download "The Power of Partnerships" (pdf)
  • The tools to finish the job? (pdf) - After over ten years of funding the redevelopment of civil society in Central Europe, most foreign donors are withdrawing. (Miroslav Kundrata, Allianz Magazine, June 2004)
  • Community Visioning (pdf) - An Organizers Guide for Participatory Planning: Community Vision to Action Forums


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