+36 1 411 3500
H-1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 17-19.

Balance sheet of simplified financial report

Previous year (EUR) Current year (EUR)
A. Fixed assets 160 035 199 055
I. Intangible assets
II. Tangible assets 160 035 149 903
III. Long term investments 49 151
B. Current assets 797 451 1 724 850
I. Inventory 2 740 2 740
II. Accounts receivable 286 986 225 437
III. Short term investment (recurities) 167 538 960 113
IV. Cash and cash equivalents 340 187 536 560
C. Prepaid expenses 1 011 575 1 488
Total assets 1 969 061 1 925 392
D. Own capital* 723 169 1 659 929
I. Start up fund balance 645 645
II. Change of fund balance 1 512 540 722 523
III.Tied up reserve 0 0
IV. Valuation reserve 0 0
V. Result of current year of basic activity/public benefit activity -806 928 936 760
VI. Result of current year from enterprise 16 912 0
E. Marked reserve
F. Liabilities 1 018 090 3 353
I. Subordinated liabilities 0 0
II. Long term liabilities 0 0
III. Short term liabilities* 1 018 090 3 353
G. Accrued expenses 227 803 262 110
Total net worth and liabilities 1 969 061 1 925 392
+36 1 411 3500
H-1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 17-19.